Super Fun Time

This blog is dead.

Life Time vs. Technology vs Creative Time

How’s that for a confusing title?

Here’s something I’d like to find an answer to: how to balance real life demands with our online demands and our creative demands. My life isn’t particularly filled with activities yet I spend 2 hours a day on the road travelling to/from work, 8.5 hours at work, then come home to a Fiance who wants to spend time with me, not to mention the preparation of dinner when I get home at 7pm. Toss in the draw of Twitter and checking out all the links that everyone shared throughout the day, and of course catching up on other computer activities like paying bills and stuff. Once you get all of that out of the way, when do you have time to do anything creative?

I’m writing this Sunday night. I like to write my blog posts as soon as the inspiration hits and then I schedule them. I spent all day Saturday out at a yearly gathering I throw for my car website and didn’t have a lot of time or energy to spend by the time I got home. I guess spending your day from 7:30am to 8pm on your feet running around and inhaling smoke from a bbq grill will do that to you. Needless to say, I had no interest in doing anything creative other than making a mental note to journal about the gathering so I’d have some solid notes for next year.

Now here it is, 11:30pm on Sunday night, I need to go to bed but I still haven’t journaled about Saturday. I came down to my office to do just that but instead this inspiration hit me and I sat down to type it out, then of course Twitter called and I was off checking links for the next 30 minutes. I still have to sit down to write and if I’m lucky, I’ll maybe get a page into it before I get tired and want to go to bed. I’m sure you’re thinking I could have started earlier and I agree, but I spent the day relaxing with the Fiance and then this NCIS marathon came on… 🙂

I wish I had an answer on how to cram all this into one day but I can’t. I’m starting to think the best thing to do is just ignore technology (very hard) and forge on with the “real” things in life. Granted, that’s not the real answer but there sure are a lot of devices in our lives that now compete for our time, be it creative or “real” life. I’m probably not the only one who falls victim to the technology bug.

I’m positive technology is doing us equal harm as good.