Super Fun Time

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QOTW: What is your writing process?

Here’s a question I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. I’ve come across bloggers who hand write their entire blog post before typing it into the computer.  I’ve also found many examples of other types of work that people prefer to write out by hand before entering into the computer. Let’s face it, we live in a computer age and most of what we write for the consumption of others ends up on a computer.

So this question is for those of you who write for the public eye, be it a blog or simply a report for work; do you hand write it first? How do you feel it helps your process? Is it simply therapeutic or do you feel it brings out better writing? Are you more apt to keep it simple? Or perhaps it just lets you get your first draft out at a leisurely pace which helps keep the re-writes to a minimum.

Hit the comments and share! I’m very interested in the responses as my blog posts tend to come straight from my mind to the keyboard. I don’t think I have the patience to handwrite all the words that want to tumble from my fingertips.