Where do I find a poker?
I have a problem and it’s with my creative fires. I look through the bits of fiction I’ve written, my old journals, or even stuff I’ve made in Photoshop and most of the time I can’t recognize it. I know I created it, but it doesn’t sound like me. Maybe it’s how my brain changes directions so often, but it seems like I’m inspired with creativity at odd intervals in life.
Yay for life changes!
I’m not going to get all sappy but I got engaged this week. Thursday to be exact. I don’t think anyone reads this site but I feel like making that public. On XceedSpeed I got all sappy and weird but on here I’ll just say….. neato! She better stay cool when we get married or I’m so out of here.
New pen case!
My hobbies follow an odd path once they arrive at my mind’s door. First I am rabid, insatiable, unable to stop myself from spending every penny I have to acquire everything I see. I’ve followed that same trend when it came to pens, guns, and bikes. As the craziness subsides, it hits this soft rolling hill where I stop acquiring and attempt to tell myself to enjoy what I have. Then I inevitably slide down the other side of the hill to find a new hobby.
What have I done?
I think I joined a cult this weekend. The cult of the Moleskine and the Fisher Space pen. I’m not sure how I feel about this Moleskine yet. I picked up the thin little Cahier 3 pack while at Borders on Sunday. I’ve forever heard of the history of Moleskine and naturally that in itself intrigued me. Not to mention how many famous people have used these notebooks for their notes while they created masterpieces which stand the test of time.
Hello desktop, it’s been a while.
I can hardly remember the last time I owned a desktop computer. I’d have to guess it was at least 4 years ago if not more. This weekend, I purchased what I thought would end up being a replacement for an aging Dell Poweredge 1300 that I use for a home server. Instead, it has morphed into a desktop computer that I’m very much loving. Until now, my main computing machine was my Macbook.
The inspiration floweth.
I just got inspired. I don’t know why it happened, it just did. One second I’m reading about simple user interfaces, the next I’m standing in front of my big white board (which I hung yesterday for such use) sketching out the diagram for a site idea I’ve been chewing on for 2 weeks. It’s not pretty but it’s a LOT more than I had an hour ago. In fact, it’s simple enough that it will probably be close to the actual outcome of the website.
Who has money?
Every time I walk into my local Microcenter, I have to wonder if anyone heard we’re supposed to be in a recession. Regardless of what time I go there, the place is packed from wall to wall with shoppers buying all sorts of things. There’s always 20+ people waiting in line to check out as well. I did my part tonight by buying a nice 22" wide screen monitor. I’m finally going to have a desktop after many years of only owning a laptop.
Project wishlist overload
Here’s something I struggle with a lot and I’m willing to bet there’s a ton of people out there like me. Say you have an idea for a website that’s going to give people the opportunity to perform a list of cool things. Obviously when you look at that list of cool things, your brain starts getting overwhelmed with the amount of work you need to do to get each thing working.
The power of the pen
I’ve noticed something interesting in the past week or two. Every since I’ve started dumping my random ideas into a notebook, I seem to have more ideas popping up every day. It’s like I just needed to get rid of the stuff at the top so the stuff at the bottom could bubble up into my consciousness. Yes, this is a basic principle of David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” program but I don’t follow that.
Stressed and overwhelmed
It’s funny how little I know about web design or anything involved with it. Tonight marks 3 nights in a row I’ve been sitting in front of this computer pouring over design sites trying to get inspired and instead I just end up with a headache. Perhaps I should step back and admit that I’m not a very creative person when it comes to designing layouts, at least not on a very frequent scale.
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